We believe in providing great quality gates with fast, reliable services at affordable rates.
Our products include Auction Gates (Flat Bar), Diamond Mesh Gates, Farm Gates, Game Farm Gates, Horse Equipment and Livestock Equipment.
Ons by Galilee Gates glo daarin om produkte van goeie gehalte te verskaf teen vinninge en betroubare dienste met bekostigbare pryse.
Ons verskaf die volgende produkte, Vendusiehekke (Platyster), Diamantdraadhekke, Plaashekke, Wildsplaashekke, Perde Toerusting en Vee Toerusting.
Why choose Galilee Gates?
- Affordable Rates
- Excellent Speedy Services
- Bulk Manufacturers
- Best Quality and Durability
- Manufacturing according to customer specification.
What makes our gates different?
- Our gates are fitted with 20mm gate hangers and 16mm gate hangers on small gates
- All gates are dipped in Aluminium Bituminous Paint
- All bending and welding done professionally to ensure great quality and durability
- Through experience we have realised that standard sized gates do not always fit the customer’s needs and therefore we manufacture according to your specifications on request.
Client Testimonials
Don’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
I would like to thank Galilee Gates for their excellent and prompt service when I ordered custom sized gates recently. Along with that, the quality and workmanship is outstanding and price competitive.
I highly recommend them to anyone looking for this kind of product.

Tregaron Farm, Tweefontein.
Ek het onlangs 2 1.2×1.2 hekke by Galilee gates gekoop. Die kwaliteit is ongelooflik en hulle het al my vra professioneel en betyds beantwoord. My hekke was tot by my deur afgelewer. Dankie vir julle diens sal weer by julle hekke bestel!

Jane Botes
Ek wil julle net graag bedank vir die 2 hekke wat julle so vinnig op kort kennisgewing gemaak het vir my.
Ek waardeur dit opreg en die hekke was top kwaliteit en mates ens was als presies, dit maak take regtig makliker om met mense soos julle besigheid te doen
Ek gaan defintief van nou af al my hekke by julle kry.

Petrus van der Merwe
Merwespoort Boerdery
Contact us
082 560 5983 or